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“The Bird Paradise Of The Anatolian Peak” PROJECT KuzeyDoga Society BIRDS OF TURKEY, THE COMPLETE CHECKLIST Doga Dernegi (DD) Doga Dernegi is the BirdLife Partner Designate Birdwatching in Turkey Birding contacts and birdwatching information Important Bird Areas in Turkey "Turkey is widely recognised as the best country for birds in Europe. Many thousands of birdwatchers come every year to visit some of the vast wetlands or mountain ranges which hold good populations of bird species that have become extremely rare or even extinct in other parts of their range. During my first holiday in this country in 1984, I was stunned to find untouched natural areas, in the countryside, where a wealth of species could be seen. Eventually my fascination brought me in 1988 to Istanbul to work on behalf of BirdLife International, at the offices of the Society for the Protection of Nature (Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi - DHKD), Turkey''s leading nature conservation organisation." Kayseri Birding Kus Arastirmalari Dernegi KAD was founded in 1998 by birders and ornithologists for the purpose of study and conservation of birds. The objectives of the society are to carry out research on the avifauna of Turkey, to contribute to the develeopment of birdwatching and ornithology in Turkey, to publish on these issues, and to contribute to the conservation of birds especially by increasing awareness through education of the general public, and especially of children on ornithology, birdwatching. Middle East Technical University Birdwatching Club In 1990 the birdwatchers among METU students were active under BIYOT. With the need of an independent club we established METU-BC in 1995 After that the club has grown a lot so that it makes up the biggest group of bird watchers in Turkey. We have been studying birds of our University Campus (METU-Campus) throughout the year. And we performed many exhibition & slide show presentations for giving interesting information about bird in our environment. Raptor Research Group (Yirtici Kus Arastirma Toplulugu) YIKAT/RRG Yirtici Kus Arastirma Toplulugu - Raptor Research Group has been founded by four raptor researchers (see below) in October 1997. Although Turkey has a flourishing avifauna consisting approx. 450 species only a few research has been made since ornithology has become a science. This page is created for Raptor Maniacs who would like to learn some more about the bridge of migration between eastern Europe and the African continent as well as receiving valuable information about the Birds of Prey occurring in the Turkish Republic. Birdwatch Turkey Birding Sites in Turkey Some information on this site constructed by two Turkish students in the USA. Birding in Europe: Reports Latest birding news, interesting sightings and other information from Turkey Konya Basin Survey "Currently DHKD, the Society for the Protection of Nature-Turkey, carries out a field survey in the Konya basin, central Turkey. Aim is to gather information about bird populations as well as other fauna in this area. This information will be used to produce a "Biodiversity Hotspot Atlas" of the Konya Basin, that will provide a platform on which focused conservation can be based." Kuscunun Sayfasi Best man in passerines in Turkey - his home page. Recent Bird News from Turkey "For more than one year we (Turkish birders) have been steadily catching up, and now there are more than ten birding groups in 10 different regions of the country. I hope we will keep this going well and will be able to achieve a proper coverage of the country as soon as possible. We have regular meetings, counts and communications. I''ll be sending information about not only rare birds in my country but also interesting records according to the time or location..." Uygar Ozesmi "We are interested in sustainability issues and the conservation of biodiversity and other natural resources. Our main focus is the developing world, especially Turkey. We work in cooperation with the Society for the Protection of Nature in Turkey, Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi DHKD.These pages include information on SUSTAINABILITY, BIODIVERSITY and NATURE CONSERVATION, BIRDS and other WILDLIFE, WETLANDS and other ECOSYSTEMS." Yelkovan This site is a created by contribution of birders interested in birds of Turkey all over the world. Flamingoo (Mailing list) Mailing list for bird & wildlife photographers To post to list: flamingoo@yahoogroups.com List contact: flamingoo-owner@yahoogroups.com To subscribe to list: flamingoo-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To unsubscribe: flamingoo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com KUSLAR-L (Mailing list) Mailing List – Discussion Group Birdwatching in Turkey To post to list: kuslar-l@metu.edu.tr List contact: wwwokgt@metu.edu.tr To subscribe to list: listproc@metu.edu.tr Email body message: subscribe KUSLAR-L your name Sevginehri (Mailing list) Mailing List – Discussion Group (in Turkish language) To post to list: sevginehri@yahoogroups.com List contact: sevginehri-owner@yahoogroups.com To subscribe to list: sevginehri-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To unsubscribe: sevginehri-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Serhan Oksay A birding photograph album (from a Turkish birdman) with some excellent photographs. This site has recently changed servers and is now much easier to find your way around. Birding in Turkey (Local guides) We do organise birdwatching, trekking, camping and hiking tour for special small groups. Transfer, accommodation and private guided tours as well. Ekol Travel (Local guides) Indigo Tourism (Local guides) "Our firm was established in 1995 and our aim has always been to positively promote Turkish tourism abroad, whilst maintaining a high service to international tour operators who are marketing Turkey overseas. Our executives have over 20 years experience in the travel business but, continue to feel motivated, creative and attempt to provide dynamic and exciting holidays and services to each and every client. Our firm has always believed the philosophy of quality rather than quantity and our ultimate belief is that “We would prefer to lose money than lose the faith of our clients”. ...offering tailor made tours for induvidual and groups with turkish hospitality - including birdwatching itineraries etc." Ornitours German company offering birdwatching holidays and accommodation in various parts of Turkey. Bob Swann - South West Turkey, Oct 2001 (Trip report) This report gives details of the birds seen and the sites visited during a week`s holiday in south-west Turkey based at the resort of Marmaris with my (non-birding) wife. Late October is perhaps not the best time for birding in this area nor the best resort for a birder to be stationed in. We were restricted, however, both by the timing of the Scottish school holidays and the availability of late cheap deals from Scotland. In the end though we had to fly from Newcastle. Chris Cameron + Julie Dawson - Central Anatolia and the Aegean Coast - May/June 2001 (Trip report) "This was a holiday to the Western half of Asiatic Turkey which was intended to combine some of the well known (and a few lesser known) tourist sites with an element of bird watching. Fortunately this combination was not difficult and many of the areas visited yielded both good birds and interesting locations..." Jan and Hetty Wierda - Surprising Eastern Turkey - Sep 2001 (Trip report) We saw a total of 181 species during our trip. Some goodies were seen in unexpected places, that explains the heading of this report. Although Hetty`s interest is more focussed on cultural and archaeological facts, she managed to find many of the 181 species. In fact we experienced Eastern Turkey as an ideal trip to combine both interests. (Nevertheless I have to admit that a disproportionate amount of time was spent on birding... Jerzy Dyczkowski - September 2001 (Trip report) I took workshop I Turkey as an opportunity for some sightseeing and birding afterwards. This was my third visit in Turkey, therefore I concentrated mainly on lesser known areas. In addition, many Turkish specials apparently become impossible to see in late summer (e.g. Caucasian Blackcock, Pale Scops Owl), at least according to people who visited these areas during previous months... Hotel Fatih Hotel "FATIH" is near to Goksu Delta which is the main attraction of this area for birdwatching. |