BCUG Archives
Interesting records in 2009
Slavonian Grebe (Podiceps auritus)
Rare in small numbers irregular winter visitor and rare passage migrant to Georgia.
- at least seven were watched on 21 March at Narionali lakes, Guria Region, W Georgia;
- single was on 22 March at small lake in N environs of Kobuleti, Ajaria Autonomous Republic, SW Georgia;
иC single was watched on 27 March in flock of 25 Great Crested Grebes (Podiceps cristatus) at pond near Chorokhi River, Ajaria Autonomous Republic, SW Georgia.
European Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) [grdzelniskarta chvama]
Irregular, occasional visitor or vagrant to Georgia. All known records were at Black sea coast or at coastal wetlands and only one time species was recorded at inland wetland.
- eight were recorded on 4 March together with ca. 30 Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) under rocks at Black Sea coast near Kvariati village in Ajaria, SW Georgia;
- single was watched in Chorokhi River mouth in Ajaria, SW Georgia, on 4 November 2009;
- at least nine were observed in flock of Great Cormorant in port of Batumi on 8 November 2009;
- six were observed sitting at rocks near Kvariati village in Ajaria, SW Georgia, on 16 December 2009.
Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus) [mtsire chvama]
Extirpated as a breeding species in the middle of 1970бпs and in the middle of 1990бпs again became to nest in Georgia. Occasional rare breeder at Jandari Lake in SE Georgia. Rare in small numbers winter visitor to some lakes and reservoirs in SE part of country.
- five were observed on 6 January in flock of Great Cormorants in riverside park of Rustavi, E Georgia; occasional visitor outside of traditional wintering areas;
- small flocks (3-10 individuals) several times were observed at banks of Mtkvari (Kura) River within the limits of Rustavi town, SE Georgia, in the end of January - 1st half of February;
- about 470 in three flocks were counted on 1 March in Georgian part of Jandari Lake, Kvemo Kartli Region, SE Georgia;
- there were at least 37 at Dali reservoir, Kakheti Region, SE Georgia, on 5 March 2009;
- at least 64 were on 7 March at Dali reservoir, Kakheti Region, SE Georgia;
- about 240 were recorded at Jandari Lake, SE Georgia, on 18 March.
Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) [khutchutcha varkhvi]
- two were observed several times between 22 and 27 February at wetlands in Chorokhi River mouth, Ajaria Autonomous Republic, SW Georgia; Very rare winter visitor to Black Sea coastlands of Georgia;
- at least 21 individuals were observed on 10-12 April at some lakes of at Javakheti Upland, Samtskhe-Javakheti Region, S Georgia: nine were at Khanchali Lake, six were on Madatapa Lake and four were watched flying along Kochki River valley to western direction on 10 April; two were on Bugdasheni Lake on 11 April;
- single was on 19 December at right (northern) side of Chorokhi River mouth, Ajaria, SW Georgia.
White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) [karkati]
- single, flying to NE direction was observed on 10 March at Kobuleti Lowland, Ajaria Autonomous Republic, SW Georgia, that is the earliest spring record at Black sea coastlands.
Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) [ishkhvari]
- 188 individuals were counted from constant watching site located at coastal lowland in NE environs of Kobuleti from 29 March to 8 April. Very high count;
- died was found on 22 October directly at motor-road lower Goderdzi Pass (2025 m a.s.l., 41бу 38'' 5.58" N 42бу 32'' 44.73" E);
- 31 individuals were were recorded at Black sea coastal wetlands in Chorokhi River mouth, Ajaria, SW Georgia, on 26 and 27 October, that may be considered as late autumn records and high numbers for end of October;
Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) [thethrthvala kvinthia]
Rare breeder at some lakes of Javakheti Upland. Rare in small numbers passage and winter visitor at some lakes of at Black Sea coast and rare, irregular passage visitor and winterer on some lakes of Eastern Georgia.
- at least 27 individuals were recorded on 24 March in traditional wintering site in Western Georgia - at Japana fish-ponds, Guria Region, W Georgia, that is late record of wintering birds.
Velvet Scoter (Melanita fusca)
Georgian name - shavi garieli
Local uncommon breeder. Rare on passage and in winter along Black Sea coast. Occasionally recorded inland in winter on some lakes on plains of country. At present breeding is known on high-altitude lakes at the Javakheti Upland in Southern Georgia (Khozapini Lake, Khanchali Lake, Madatapa Lake and at some small lakes along Armenian and Turkish borders. Vertical limits of breeding distribution - 1700-2100m a.s.l. Total number is unknown, but may be estimated as not more than 200 breeding pairs.
- about 50 individuals were at Tabaskuri Lake on the 6th July 2009 (Peter Geffen, Israel). High concentration for breeding season;
- at least 170 were counted along western shore of Sagamo Lake (Samtskhe-Javakheti Region) on 17 October (high numbers).
Smew (Mergus albellus) [mtsire batasini]
Uncommon pasage and winter visitor.
- at least 26 were in three flocks in in eastren part and 8 solitary individuals were watched in other parts of Tbilisi reservoir on 7 January; high concentration;
- six were on 2 May at Kumisi Lake, environs of Tbilisi City; late spring recorded, usually recorded in Georgia from October to late March.
White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala) [thethrthava ikhvi]
Vagrant or irregular occasional passage visitor and winterer. Recorded in very small numbers in various marshy wetlands on plains, usually on large lakes with dense reed-beds, rarely in coastal waters. Usually observed as single individuals, pairs or small flocks. Elsewhere occurs only sporadically.
- two were on 18 March in mixed flock of ducks at Jandari Lake, SE Georgia.
Black Kite (Milvus migrans) [dzera]
Widespread and uncommon to common year-round resident, probably partly migratory breeder. Fairly common on passage across Georgia (up to 200000 individuals per autumn season), mostly along Black Sea coast, at Kolkheti Lowland and in valleys of large rivers. Common, locally in some winters very common winter visitor to western areas, especially at western part of Kolkheti Lowland, rare to uncommon winterer in eastern areas. Nests in forests of various types in flood-lands, at lowlands, plains, foothills, pre- and low-mountains. Preferred nesting habitats are located in old poplar forests in flood-lands of large rivers (Rioni River, Mtkvari (Kura) River, Alazani River). Local breeding population estimated presently at 400-500 breeding pairs and decreasing since 1970бпs (Abuladze, 1994) from 900-1100 pairs in 1970s, 600-800 in 1980s and 500-700 in 1990s.
- at least 22 wintering individuals were in flock, observed at territory of Batumi Airport, Ajaria, SW Georgia, on 11 February;
17 were in Chorokhi River mouth + 9 around ponds at Kakhaberi Lowland in southern environs of Batumi, Ajaria, SW Georgia, on 12 February;
- about 220 individuals were discovered on1 7-18 February wintering in Rioni River flood-land lower Samtredia town, Imereti Region, W Georgia;
- 11 were counted along motor-road Kutaisi-Baghdati + 6 at Vartsikhe reservoir, Imereti Region, W Georgia, on 20 February;
- at least 75 wintering individuals were counted along NE edge of Ajameti forest (northern part of Ajameti Nature Reserve), Imereti Region, Georgia, on 21 February;
- 34+ were around Paleostomi Lake, W Georgia, on 26 February.
Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) [batkandzeriI {=kravitchamia}]
Rare year-round resident in highlands. Breeding range covers upper belt of montane forests and alpine meadows at the Main Caucasian Range, its spurs and most high rocky areas at the Lesser Caucasus. Vertical limits of breeding distribution are 1600 - 3000 m a.s.l. Nests in caves on precipice. Estimated about 25 breeding pairs. There were not essential changes in the numbers during recent decades.
- given the lack of recent reports at Georgian part of Lesser Caucasus (Abuladze, 1981, 1995, 1998; Abuladze, Shergalin, 1999; Galvez, Gavashelishvili, Javakhishvili, 2005; Gavashelishvili, McGrady, 2000; Darchiashvili, 1999, 2000, etc.), an solitary adult individual soaring at height about 150 m in Mtkvari (Kura) River valley near Aspindza town (41бу34бф26бхN 43бу15бф22бхE / 41.57389буN 43.25611буE / 41.57389; 43.25611), Samtskhe-Javakheti Region, S Georgia on 23 October may bed classified as a significant record.
- one adult individual was observed feeding on carrion near Norio village (eastern environs of Tbilisi) on 3 November. Occasional visitor to lowlands. First known record to area.
Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) [orbi]
- three individuals, soaring along ridge, were observed on 17 March from top of hill near Kustba Lake in Tbilisi City;
- two solitary were observed on 7 and 8 May in Aragvi River valley near Zhinvali Reservoir, E Georgia;
- single was observed near Tbilisi reservoir on 17 October;
- single flying to western direction was watched in Ajaristskali River valley 2 km lower Keda town, Ajaria, SW Georgia, on 2 November.
Occasional visitor to listed areas.
Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) [begobis artsivi]
Rare year-round resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Population slowly increased during last 15 years.
- 33 individuals were counted during spring passage at East Black Sea fly-way in Ajaria, SW Georgia two constant watching sites:
26 were counted at Site No 1 (lowland in NE environs of Kobuleti town during 10 days of observations (March 29-31, April 2- 8) and 7 were counted at Site No 2 in SW environs of Batumi, near Gonio village, in lower part of Chorokhi River valley (10иC17, 19 April).
The max day count was on 4 April, when 10 individuals were counted. High numbers;
- solitary, flying at height about 100 m in SW direction, was recorded on 29 October in Didube district of Tbilisi City. Occasional visitor to urban areas.
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) [shaki]
Formerly local breeder in small numbers along Black Sea coast, in wetlands of western part of Kolkhida Lowland, at coastal lakes and in some large rivers'' valleys. Extinct as a regular breeding species in the middle of 20th Century. No nests known since 1958s. Last case of breeding was documented in Abkhazia in 1958. Widespread but rare passage visitor. More common on autumn passage at Black Sea coast and Kolkheti Lowland.
- single was recorded at eastern bank of Khanchali Lake, Javakheti Upland, S Georgia, on 7 April; A few of records to area;
- three solitary individuals were recorded at Black Sea coast in Ajaria on 26 October иC two in Chorokhi River mouth and one near Sarpi village; high concentration.
Hobby (Falco subbuteo) [marjani]
- single was recorded in seaside park of Batumi, Ajaria, SW Georgia, on 2 December.
Very late, extremely unseasonal, record.
Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) [bari (= gavazi)]
Very rare in small numbers passage migrant to Georgia.
- single was observed on 3 April flying to SSW direction at left side of Choloki River valley on lowland in NE environs of Kobuleti, Ajaria, SW Georgia;
- single was on 22 October on Goderdzi Pass (2025 m a.s.l., 41бу 38'''' 5.58" N 42бу 32'''' 44.73" E), Ajaria, SW Georgia;
- single was recorded on 24 October in fields near Vachiani village, Akhalqalaqi district, Samtshe-Javakheti Region, S Georgia. Probably the same bird was watched in this area, 2-3 km W of previous record.
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At least 39786 birds of prey of 29 species were counted during spring passage in Ajaria. Counts were conducted from two constant watching sites:
Site 1 - Lowland in NE environs of Kobuleti (on the line from left bank of Choloki River to Ochkhamuri village); March 29-31, April 2- 8;
Site 2 - SW environs of Batumi, near Gonio village, lower part of Chorokhi River valley (200-1600 m from mouth) - April, 10 иC 17, 19.
The max day count was on 4 April, when 9073+ raptors of 12 species were counted.
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Common Crane (Grua grus lilfordi) [rukhi tsero]
Very rare summer breeder (about 10 pairs, probably some more) at wet alpine meadows in eastern part of Javakheti Upland, Lesser Caucasus, and common passage visitor.
- three individuals were watched at western bank of Khanchali Lake, Javakheti Upland, S Georgia, on 7 April;
- two were observed flying to western direction along southern shore of Bugdasheni Lake, Javakheti Upland, S Georgia, on 11 April;
- two small flocks (three and five individuals) and solitary were recorded at Black sea coastal wetlands in Chorokhi River mouth, Ajaria, SW Georgia, on 27 October; very rare passage visitor to Black sea coastlands.
Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo) [tseroturfa]
Passage visitor to open dry landscapes of Eastern Georgia. Across Georgia migrates in spring about 2500 and in autumn about 3500 individuals (Abuladze, 1995).
- nine were watched feeding near saltish lake Jiqurebistba in Udabno semidesert, western part of Iori Table-land, Sagarejo district, SE Georgia, on 7 April; rare passage visitor to area;
- 26 in two flocks (21 and 5) were recorded in early morning on 11 April near Sioni reservoir (12,8 sq.km, 1088m a.s.l.), Akhmeta district, Eastern Georgia. Occasional passage visitor to area;
- four flying in SW direction were watched on 22 October near Goderdzi Pass (2025 m a.s.l., 41бу 38'' 5.58" N 42бу 32'' 44.73" E), Ajaria, SW Georgia. Occasional passage visitor to Black Sea basin, first record to area and late autumn record;
- single was recorded in fields under Shavnabada monastery, Trialeti Ridge, E Georgia, on 31 October; very late autumn record.
Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) [sadgisniskartatseroturfa]
Common and regular but not numerous on passage. Dates of presence: April - May; middle of August - late October. Usually single birds, pairs and small flocks - up to 4-5 birds, rarely more, are sighting at banks of lakes, large rivers, flooded fields, marshes, etc.
- two flocks (nine and seven in each) and single were recorded on 2 May at SE bank of Kumisi Lake, SW environs of Tbilisi..
Greater Black-headed Gull (Larus ichthyaetus) [kharkhara tholia]
Rare but regular winter visitor at various wetlands from Black Sea coast in West to lakes and rivers in East. More common and numerous at sea coast, coastal lakes, in flood-lands of large rivers, reservoirs in Western Georgia. Rarely recorded in Mtkvari (Kura) River Valley from Likhi Ridge (lower Khashuri town) to border with Azerbaijan. Vagrant to other areas. Dates of presence: from middle of November to middle of March, rarely later.
- seven were recorded on 4 March at Black Sea coast in Sarpi village, fout were near Kvariati village and at least nine in Chorokhi River mouth, Ajaria, SW Georgia;
- three were observed on 11 April at Sioni reservoir (12,8 sq.km, 1088m a.s.l.), Akhmeta district, Eastern Georgia. Occasional passage migrant and winter visitor to area and very late spring record;
- two solitary individuals were recorded on 4 November at Black Sea coast near Georgia-Turkey border (between Sarpi and Gonio villages), Ajaria, SW Georgia. Early autumn records;
- at least 17 were recorded on 16 December at Black Sea coast between border with Turkey and Batumi Airport: single was in Sarpi village, five were watched near Kvariati village sitting on rocks, seven were recorded in Chorokhi River mouth, four were at sea cost near airport + three were recorded in evening in Batumi harbor, Ajaria, SW Georgia. High concentrartion.
Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) [vertskhlispheri tholia]
Vagrant to Georgia. All records were at Black Sea coast or coastal lowlands.
- two individuals (one in adult plumage and one young, probably 1st winter bird, were watched sitting with a flock of 60-70 Yellow-legged and 25-30 Common Black-headed gulls in port of Batumi on 12 February.
- single young bird was observed on 21 February in Kintrishi River mouth, south of Kobuleti, Black sea coast, Ajaria, W Georgia.
Armenian Gull (Larus armenicus) [somkhuri tholia]
- about 25 were on 19 March in Batumi harbor, Ajaria, SW Georgia;
- three were on 23 March at Vartsikhe reservoir and single in Khanistskali River valley lower Dimi village, Baghdati district, Imereti Region, W Georgia. Rare winter and passage visitor to area;
- at least 20 were on 11 April at Sioni reservoir, Akhmeta district, Eastern Georgia. Occasional visitor to area;
- nine individuals were observed feeding at stony bank of Tergi (Terek) River lower Kobi village and five were near Stepantsminda, N Georgia, on 26 August. Vagrant to area;
- at least 780 were counted along Mtkvari (Kura) River in central part of Tbilisi (from Didube bridge to Metekhi bridge) on 5 March. High concentration;
- around 600 were recorded on 24 October along banks of Mtkvari (Kura) River from Aspindza town to Vardzia Cave City, Samtskhe-Javakheti Region, S Georgia;
- at least six were recorded in mixed flocks of gulls on 4 November at Black Sea coast near Georgia-Turkey border (between Sarpi and Gonio villages), Ajaria, SW Georgia;
- at least 30 were identified in mixed flocks of gulls on 16 December at Black Sea coast between border with Turkey and Batumi Airport.
Barn Owl (Tyto alba) [bukhrintsa]
Rare sporadic year-round resident. New bird species to Georgia. First non-confiremed records were in late 1990''''s. Nesting was confirmed in 2002. The breeding distribution in Georgia covers Black Sea coastlands in Western Georgia. For breeding prefers open areas with small wetlands, ditches, canals, rivers, gardens, ruins, etc. where snow cover is very brief. No data on population size, probably up to 25-30 pairs or a little more nests in country. Present status of the local population can be characterized as stable with slight hints of increase.
- solitary individuals were recorded on 21 and 24 December near ponds at right side of Chorokhi River, 1-2 km S of Batumi, Ajaria, SW Georgia.
Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) [shavi kodala]
- single was observed in Batumi seaside park on 25 January;
- single was recorded on 6 November in small park in Saburtalo district of Tbilisi City.
Occasional visitor to urban areas.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius)
- single was recorded on 21 March in Batumi botanical garden, Ajaria, SW Georgia;
- two solitary were watched 26 March in Vartsikhe Forest of Ajameti Nature Reserve Baghdati district, Imereti Region, W Georgia;
- single was observed on 27 March in park near Sataplia Cave in Kutaisi, Imereti Region, W Georgia;
- single was on 28 October in garden in Chkhari village, Terjola district, Imereti Region, W Georgia;
- single was in Vere River valley near Tbilisi ZOO on 9 November.
Rare year-round resident to Georgia.
Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) [ulvasha tsivtsiva]
- two smal flocks - six and four birds in each were watched in reed-beds at western bank of Paleostomi Lake on 1 March; rare irregular winterer in small numbers to area.
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) [tchikvavi]
иC at least 4814 individuals were counted at seven collective roosts in the central part of Tbilisi City in early morning on 21 January and at least 1774 were counted at two collective roosts in Mtkvari (Kura) River lower Tbilisi City on 24 January, that may be considered as high concentration.
White-winged Snowfinchs (Montifringilla nivalis) [qathqatha mthiula]
Generally uncommon, but locally in, suitable habitats, common year-round resident with local vertical movements. Breeding range covers pre-alpine and alpine belts at Great Caucasus and Lesser Caucasus. During non-breeding period it carries out nomadic movements quite widely, forming sometimes great flocks to several hundred birds.
- around 25 birds were in flock recorded at rocky slope near Khertvisi fortress (situated on the high rocky hill in the narrow canyon at the confluence of the Mtkvari (Kura) and Paravani rivers), Samtskhe-Javakheti Region, S Georgia.
Extremely unseasonal, very early, record of occasional winter visitor to such altitude. First autumn record to area.
All your remarkable and interesting sightings of birds at the territory of Georgia in 2009 ARE WELCOME !
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